In the beginning

In preparation of writing beautiful equations describing the intricate workings and relationships of all things on this planet, I am testing the rendering of mathematical notations in this blog with mathjax. This rendering of equations allows the user to right click on the equation and choose options such as, setting the hover trigger for zooming in and displaying the underlying latex format of the equation in question. Having access to the latex commands allows powerful copy and paste possibilities.

Maxwell’s Equations
\nabla \times \vec{\mathbf{B}} -\, \frac1c\, \frac{\partial\vec{\mathbf{E}}}{\partial t} & = \frac{4\pi}{c}\vec{\mathbf{j}} \\ \nabla \cdot \vec{\mathbf{E}} & = 4 \pi \rho \\
\nabla \times \vec{\mathbf{E}}\, +\, \frac1c\, \frac{\partial\vec{\mathbf{B}}}{\partial t} & = \vec{\mathbf{0}} \\
\nabla \cdot \vec{\mathbf{B}} & = 0 \end{aligned}